Measuring instruments for various workpieces.

The application scenarios of industrial quality measurement are diverse. Any fault which can be identified using precision measuring equipment helps to reduce costs and prevent errors – and this is true for all applications.

Manufacturing measuring technology from ACCRETECH is specifically used in the automotive industry, in medical technology, aviation technology, and in machine manufacture in workshops – for individual workpieces in the measurement room as well as for mass production on the assembly line.


Different criteria can be measured for the quality of motor parts, drives, braking systems, large bearings, pumps, tool holders, prostheses or implants. This includes roundness, run-out, levelness, roughness, coaxiality, parallelism, rectangularity, straightness, concentricity, cylindricity or axial run-out. With tactile or non-contact measurement, according to the requirements. You can find the measuring instruments which optimally meet your requirements in terms of precision, resolution, workpiece weight and diameter in our matrix.

Do you know how small a nanometre is?

We have listed a couple of examples for illustration which are precisely within this scale - from gold atoms to blood cells. Making the invisible visible, and identifying a fault in the size of a gold atom - the impossible is possible with ACCRETECH.

0.3 nm

0.1 nm

DNA Helix
2 nm

100.000 nm

Carbon nanotube
2 bis 50 nm

Blood cells
10.000 nm

Measurement range