Wafer Prober

Wafer Probers are machines which are required for electrically testing the wafers of individual chips. The Prober therefore undertakes the fully automatic loading and handling of the wafer while ensuring the best positioning accuracy. A full test cell consists of a wafer prober, a test unit and a probe card. Our flagship wafer probers for wafers up to 200 mm or 300 mm diameter not only work with the highest precision thanks to the latest technology, but also ensure maximum capacity and productivity with their above average and high throughput.

We are here for you.

+49 (0) 89 546788-0

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≤ 200 mm Wafer Prober

The right solution for every requirement: from proven, fully automatic basic models to ultra-quick high end models with the highest precision in a large temperature range.

≤ 300 mm Wafer Probers

High throughput and +-1.5 µm precision for wafers up to 300 mm diameter. Can be adapted to all testing environments and make simple handling and navigation possible.

Wafer and Frame Probers

Great flexibility. The Frame Handling Probers can be used for both testing ultra-thin wafers and for wafers on a dicing frame.


Key Features

High Voltage

High Current

Vaccum-less handling (MEMS)


Group Index

Bump Probing

Color Camera

Super-high Magnification camera

Mini environment (ISO xx)


Thin Wafer

Ultra Thin Wafer

Top-side handling