Next-generation ultra-high-performance probing machine
Extremely high precision
Low vibration and low noise
High throughput (index move, wafer handling, wafer alignment)
Easy to use
High Security: Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware software is installed as an default option
Low vibration and low noise
High throughput (index move, wafer handling, wafer alignment)
Easy to use
High Security: Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware software is installed as an default option
- Needle cleaning (cleaning wafer, or cleaning unit)
- Fan filter unit (mini-environment)
- HF jig/manipulator, Tester interface
- Loader : 2 Loader / Automation with AMHS
- Head stage tilt (Probe card tilt)
- Chuck: Ambient / Hot temp. / Low temp. /Low noise
- APC : Auto probe card exchange
- Cassette ID reading
- Wafer ID reading (Top surface / Back surface)
- GB-IB Interface
- Prober Network (Veganet, Light-Veganet, Vega-Planet, GEM)
- PCAS (Probe card auto setup)