
Non-contact and quick measurements for 3D surface structures of processed components and contour profiles with white light interferometer in the nano. measurement range.

Vertical Scanning Range 20 mm
Resolution 0.01 Nm
Precision ±(0,1+|H/1000|) μm
  • Surface measuring instrument for optical/three dimensional surface roughness (ISO25178-2)
  • Save lots of time, up to 100 times quicker in comparison to tactile measurement with a stylus
  • Patented DEAP analysis includes a specially developed algorithm for improved data structure
  • The revolver exchange system makes it possible to select the appropriate lens for the respective measurement task
  • A CNC controlled X Y table is available to extend the measurement range (stitching – data overlapping)
  • The system is integrated into an active damping system to guarantee the highest precision

Area of application
The Opt Scope makes the measurement of surface topographies possible in a measurement time of a few seconds. It is perfect for sensitive surfaces which could be damaged by tactile measurements, as well as very small and difficult to access measurement positions. High precision and highly polished surfaces can also be measured too, such as for example from mirrors, to extremely rough surfaces such as for example grinding stones.